Valour Canada History & Heritage Scholarship
Commencing in February 2020, Valour Canada will be presenting an annual scholarship that will be awarded to post-secondary aspiring Canadian high school students.
Please watch this space for the 2021 version of our scholarship contest!
To download a PDF copy of this page, please click HERE
The aim of Valour Canada’s History and Heritage Scholarship is to support Canadian students in their post-secondary educational pursuits in an engaging, thought-provoking, and memorable manner. The student who creates the best essay and video response to the question provided below will be awarded a $1,500 scholarship to be put towards their post-secondary education. The runner-up will receive a $750 scholarship.
Students must create and submit the following three items to be eligible for the scholarship:
- A one or two paragraph introductory document that explains why you chose to apply for Valour Canada’s History and Heritage Scholarship. This will not be evaluated.
- A typed essay (with title page) that responds to the question provided below. Your essay will be evaluated. Submitted essays should be 6 – 8 pages in length (not including bibliography or title page), double spaced, and with page numbers inserted. Footnotes, citations, and references should be included as per the Chicago-style formatting requirements (Use this Chicago Style Tool). Your title page should include essay title, name, date of birth, town/city, school, and date.
- A 3 – 5 minute YouTube-compatible video that educates viewers about your chosen memorial or monument and covers the answer you provided in your essay. Your video should close with a still-screen showing your references.
NOTE: Regarding the video submission, applicants should provide a link to a Dropbox folder, or similar, that holds the finished video file. The introductory document and the essay must be emailed as .doc or .pdf documents.
Deadline and Eligibility:
All 3 items must be received by email to Valour Canada by 23:59, July 15th, 2020 (MST). If after all evaluations are completed your entry is found to deserve an award, a potential winner must provide a signed ELIGIBILITY & LIABILITY/PUBLICITY RELEASE, proof of age, and proof of enrolment. (For more on eligibility requirements, please click here and refer to the “Eligibility Package” PDF.)
Evaluation Criteria:
A submission’s final grade consists of the essay score (75% of final grade) and the video score (25% of final grade). For a more-detailed description of the criteria for the essay and the video, please see the rubrics provided below (and HERE).
Please ensure that Chicago style referencing and citations are employed for any resources used in your response. Use THIS TOOL ( Plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in disqualification.
The Question:
Answer the following question and write your response in essay format. Your response should reference at least two of Valour Canada’s six pillars of character (communication, cooperation, courage, responsibility, resilience, thoughtfulness).
Visit a local Canadian war memorial or monument and analyze its historical context, significance, and current meaning. Finish with a brief discussion about the role of Canadian war memorials in the 21st century.
Good luck!!

Fernie’s war monument, dedicated by Lord Byng in 1922, was “erected to perpetuate our honoured dead and those who carried on in the Great War from Fernie and District (Credit:;
Valour Canada’s History and Heritage Scholarship: Rules and Regulations
The following rules and regulations apply and are in accordance with Section 74.06 of Canada’s Competition Act, Section 206 of Canada’s Criminal Code, and Canada’s Copyright Act:
- The Valour Canada History and Heritage Scholarship (VCHHS) contest is open to all Canadian citizens residing in Canada, excluding residents of Quebec, who are younger than 20 years old prior to 11:59 PM (MST), June 30, 2020. There will not be regional allocation of scholarships. No purchase necessary for contest entry.
- Eligible persons must not have attended a post-secondary education institution at any time between September 1, 2019 and August 28, 2020.
- VCHHS entries must be emailed to our Educator and must be received by Valour Canada before 11:59 PM (MST), July 15, 2020.
- Submitted entries will be evaluated based on the criteria described in VCHHS Rubric: Essay and in the VCHHS Rubric: Video. Valour Canada educators will select the best 20 submissions which will then be provided to Valour Canada’s Education Subcommittee for final assessment that will determine a winner, a runner-up, and the 3rd through 12th best submissions. Rubrics HERE.
- One VCHHS winner and one runner-up will be chosen and awarded as follows: VCHHS winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship and the runner-up will receive a $750 scholarship. Both will be notified via email before 11:59 PM (MST), August 17, 2020. The creator of each of the 3rd through 12th best submissions will be awarded $200. They will be notified via email before 11:59 PM (MST), August 31, 2020.
- All 12 winning videos will be added to Valour Canada’s documentary library, then posted on our website and our YouTube page. We will reference each video’s creator in the description for each respective video.
- Chance of winning the VCHHS scholarship or an award will depend on the number of entries and the quality of the submission.
- A skill testing question must be answered correctly by all winners and all winners will be responsible for any tax incurred by their award. Awards will be mailed to the winners to be received before October 20, 2020.
- Winners who do not respond via phone or email within 5 days of being contacted, who do not answer the skill testing question correctly, who cannot show proof of attendance at a post-secondary education institution on a full-time basis for the upcoming academic year, who cannot show proof of age, or who do not sign our “ELIGIBILITY & LIABILITY/PUBLICITY RELEASE” will be disqualified and the scholarship will be awarded to the next in line as per the criteria outlined above. Eligibility Package HERE.
- The “ELIGIBILITY & LIABILITY/PUBLICITY RELEASE” outlines that each scholarship winner consents to Valour Canada’s use of their name, address (town/city and province only), and submitted materials without further compensation. Eligibility Package HERE.
- Valour Canada is not responsible for any complications negatively affecting any scholarship contest entries or any other errors or negligence that may arise in connection with this scholarship contest.
- Valour Canada also retains full rights to the administering of the scholarship contest according to the law and retains the right to terminate the scholarship contest at any time and without notice.