Presentations for Classrooms | Video Series
This presentation tells the story of the sinking of HMHS Llandovery Castle by torpedo during the First World War. It can be presented from Gr. 4/5 and up, however, there are two different activities depending on the audience’s level of understanding.
This presentation, about Canada’s efforts at the Battle of Vimy Ridge in April of 1917 during the First World War, has been designed to educate Canadian youth (Gr. 4 and up).
This activity should follow our Battle of Vimy Ridge Presentation. Handouts for this activity include (1) Vimy Guide, (2) Vimy Blank Map, and (3) Vimy Map Tokens.
This presentation, about Canada’s D-Day efforts on June 6, 1944, during the Second World War, has been designed to educate Canadian youth (Gr. 8 and up).
This activity should follow our D-Day Presentation. Handouts for this activity include: D-Day – Guide ; D-Day – Handout.
This presentation defines and describes propaganda using Canadian war posters and editorial cartoons from the First and Second World Wars. Twelve propaganda techniques will be explored in detail with examples. The presentation has been designed for Gr. 7 and up, but some of the vocabulary may be too advanced for younger students or English language learners.
There is not an activity for this presentation, but a simple assignment for the students could be “Make your own propaganda poster for your favorite team, celebrity, hobby, etc.”