Canada’s WW2 Battlefields (NW Europe) | Video Series
This series, narrated and presented by battlefield archaeologist Andrew Robertshaw, takes the viewer to various battlefields in northwestern Europe where Canadian forces fought during the Second World War.
Please note that this series is currently being released; one video will be released weekly between late August and Remembrance Day 2022, and any videos not visible below have not yet been released.
Andy Robertshaw describes the coastal assault (at the Dieppe townsite) by Canadian soldiers during the Dieppe Raid on August 19, 1942.
Andy Robertshaw describes the coastal assault (at Puys village) by Canadian soldiers during the Dieppe Raid on August 19, 1942.
Andy Robertshaw describes the action at Pegasus Bridge by Canadian soldiers during the D-Day assaults of June 6, 1944.
Andy Robertshaw describes the action at Bernières-sur-Mer (Juno Beach) by Canadian soldiers during the D-Day assaults of June 6, 1944.
Andy Robertshaw describes the closing of the Falaise pocket along with the actions taken by Major David Currie on August 18, 1944, who was later awarded a Victoria Cross.
Andy Robertshaw describes the action in Holland, September 1944, by Canadian soldiers evacuating soldiers across the Rhine River at Arnhem.
Andy Robertshaw describes how Canadians acted to clear the Scheldt and the Walcheren Causeway in October, 1944.
Andy Robertshaw describes the intense battle between Canadian and German defenders at the Carpiquet Airfield in July 1944 following the D-Day landings.
Andy Robertshaw reviews the Canadian loss at Verrières Ridge and shares a story of humanity following the battle.
Andy Robertshaw describes the Reichwald Battle and Operation Veritable during the last year of the Second World War.
Andy Robertshaw discusses Operation Faust: the Feeding of the Dutch by Canadian soldiers as the Second World War comes to a close in Europe.
Andy Robertshaw talks about the German surrender in Wageningen at the end of the Second World War.