We are a registered charity in Canada and rely on memberships and donations to fund our operations and support our projects. By donating, you are helping us connect Canadians to their unique and proud military heritage that has defined our nation, and will continue to.


A charitable tax receipt will be issued for all donations unless declined by the donor. Personal information gathered by Valour Canada confidential and not distributed to other organizations.



Teacher Testimonials:

“The program is powerful enrichment of and perspective into my high school social studies course. The students were engaged, challenged, and provoked into thinking about issues in a new and interesting way.”
– G.P., Calgary Board of Education Teacher, November 2022

“You run a fantastic program. We have students from around the world and you held their attention. Hands down a fantastic program and teacher.”
– H.M., Calgary Catholic School District Teacher, October 2022

“Students enjoyed a hands-on approach to learning about history. They were engaged + invested in the activities. There was a good combination of free time to explore the museum and directed activities. Even my quietest students became involved in the problem solving activities. Students who never speak to each other in class were working together in groups so effectively.”
– C.L., Calgary Board of Education Teacher, April 2018

“Great program that helps understand the meaning of war and importance of teamwork.”
– S.D., Calgary Catholic School District Teacher, March 2018


Student Testimonials:

“Very engaging and informative. Great activities.”
– S.J., Student, November 2022

“Every single minute of my trip in this museum was very informative.”
– F.R., Student, October 2022

“This was very educational and fun at the same time.”
– R.L., Student, November 2019

“It was so fun. I wanna visit again”
– D.S., Student, May 2018

“Today was fun and I learned more about the war. Thank you! Kamsamida!”
– M.T., Student, March 2018



Donations online are completed through and accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, Interac Online, and Canada Helps Gift Cards.



Please send your cheque, payable to “Valour Canada”:

To Our Mailing Address:
1820 24TH St S.W.
Calgary, AB, T2T 0G6
Ph: 403-685-2660

Our Intention is to educate Canadian Citizens so that they:

  • Appreciate the role of our military heritage in protecting Canadian interests, values and beliefs.
  • Understand the role our military history has had in shaping our country and the world.
  • Are inspired to be engaged and well-informed participatory citizens of Canada.

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