Peace, Security, Prosperity Conference


March 27, 28 & 29, 2023:

Topic: Countering Disinformation

The 2023 event has ended. The International Forum on Peace Security & Prosperity (IFPSP), in association with the CDA Institute, the Italian Ministry of Defence, and Valour Canada presents the first International Forum on Peace, Security & Prosperity (online)
Presented with simultaneous translation in French, English and Italian.

To view the 2023 program, please click:  The 2023 Program

Registration now closed.


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Content from the 2022 Forum

Here are the video and essay links for the completed Forum on Peace, Security & Prosperity, held on April 7 & 8, 2022.

Winning videos: 2022 Award-winning Videos

Winning essays: 2022 Award-winning Essays


Content from the 2021 Forum

Here are the video links for the completed Forum on Peace, Security & Prosperity, held on February 18 and 19, 2021.

English:  Videos PSP 18-19/02/21

French:  Vidéos PSP 18-19/02/21

Italian:  Vidéos PSP 18-19/02/21

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