Websites and Social Media

Our other Canadian Military History websites

The Road to Vimy Ridge

This comprehensive website explores Canada’s experience in the Great War with a specific focus on our success at Vimy Ridge in April of 1917. To increase interactivity with the reader, the website includes animated maps, mnemonic tools, short documentary videos, and multiple-choice quizzes, that are situated among rarely seen photographs, labelled diagrams, and interesting cartography. In addition, there are embedded learning tools, such as definitions that ‘pop-up’ when the user’s mouse pointer hovers over challenging terms. Quotations of exceptional people, most of whom are Canadian, are sprinkled throughout to help illustrate the story for the audience and to maintain their attention.

The Road to Vimy site also hosted a scholarship contest in 2016-17 that allowed us to award $500 each to two graduating Ontario high school students. Their winning entries can be viewed on our YouTube page.

Homepage of Valour Canada’s The Road to Vimy Ridge website.

YouTube Channel

Housing all of Valour Canada’s videos, our YouTube channel provides us a media platform with which to highlight our documentaries, winning scholarship entries, and moving maps. We are working towards having a downloadable Lesson Plan for all our videos (they will be posted here as well as on YouTube).

We have also noted that animated visuals are more engaging to elementary or secondary students, whether a map or a concept description as shown in the “Battle of Vimy Ridge” or “The Causes of the Great War” respectively and intend to explore this avenue further.

Valour Canada’s YouTube page.

Valour Canada main site

The website you are currently browsing is our primary website. This is the public face of Valour Canada and provides information about our organization, education programs & resources, documentary videos, and virtual tours. Over 220 articles are available to readers of all levels and ages, and almost 100 learning resources and lesson plans are available to teachers.

Other Considerations:

Militrivia  (Facebook)  :

@ValourCanada  (Twitter)  :

ValourCanada  (Instagram)  :


Canadian Military History Websites

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