Bourse VCHH


Bourse d'histoire et du patrimoine de Valor Canada


The 2024-25 VCHHS contest IS OPEN!

Winners of the 2023-24 contest will be announced in mid-October 2024.

To download a PDF copy of the rules and eligibility requirements, please click ICI
To download a PDF copy of the RUBRIC, please click ICI
The 2024-25 contest closes at day’s end on June 11, 2025.
To see the submissions of past winners, please scroll down to below the picture or click here.


The aim of Valour Canada’s History and Heritage Scholarship is to support Canadian students in their educational pursuits in an engaging, thought-provoking, and memorable manner. The student who creates the best video response to the question provided below will be awarded a $1,500 scholarship to be put towards their post-secondary education. The runner-up will receive a $500 scholarship.

Les étudiants doivent créer et soumettre les éléments suivantstwo items to enter the scholarship contest:

  1. A document d'introduction en un ou deux paragraphes that explains why you chose to apply for Valour Canada’s History and Heritage Scholarship (.doc or .pdf format please). Cela ne sera pas évalué.
  2. A YouTube-compatible video between four and six minutes long that educates viewers about your chosen memorial, monument, or place (see the question below). Your video should open with a still screen title page that includes: the video title, your name, your town/city, and your school. Your video should close with a still screen showing your references (as per Chicago-style formatting requirements). Your video should not have music.

Note: Regarding the video submission, applicants can provide a link to a Dropbox folder, Google Drive, or similar, that holds the finished video file. MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR VIDEO AT A HIGH RESOLUTION, but please smaller than 1 GB.


Date limite et admissibilité:

Both the introductory document and the video must be received by email to Valour Canada by 23:59, June 11th, 2025 (EST). If after all evaluations are completed, your entry is found to deserve an award, a potential winner must provide a signed ELIGIBILITY & LIABILITY/PUBLICITY RELEASE, proof of age, and proof of enrolment. (For more on eligibility requirements, please refer to the “Eligibility Package”).


Critère d'évaluation:

A submission’s final grade consists solely of the video score (100% of final grade). For a more-detailed description of the criteria for the video, please see the provided rubric.

Please ensure that Chicago style referencing is employed for any resources used in your response. Use CET OUTIL ( Le plagiat est inacceptable et entraînera une disqualification.


La question d'essai:

Visite une local Canadian war memorial, monument, or important place in military history. Describe it, then compare and contrast its historical context with your opinion of its current meaning. Finish with some commentary about the role of Canadian war memorials in the 21st century.

Your response should reference at least two of Valour Canada’s six pillars of character (communication, cooperation, courage, responsibility, resilience, thoughtfulness).

Bonne chance!!

Le monument de guerre de Fernie, dédié par Lord Byng en 1922, a été « érigé pour perpétuer nos morts honorés et ceux qui ont poursuivi la Grande Guerre de Fernie et du district (Source :;


Previous Recipients of VC’s History & Heritage Scholarship

Stella Wang

– First Place, 2023-24 –

Hometown:  Toronto, ON
École secondaire:  Markville Secondary School
Université:  University of Western Ontario
Sujet:  Bridging the Past and Present: The South African War Memorial

Ambrose KhunLee

– Second Place, 2023-24 –

Hometown:  Calgary, AB
École secondaire:  Western Canada High School
Université:  University of Calgary
Sujet:  The Calgary Cenotaph: Remembering a Legacy

To view the other award-winning videos from 2023-24, click ICI and view videos 24-28.

Hania Templeton

– First Place, 2022-23 –

Hometown: Vancouver, C.-B.
École secondaire:  EBUS Academy
Université:  Athabasca University
Sujet:  The Angel of Victory: Canada’s Processing of the Great War

Rédaction: The Angel of Victory: Canada’s Processing of The Great War

Tina Liu

– Second Place, 2022-23 –

Hometown:  Scarborough, ON
École secondaire:  Victoria Park Collegiate Institute
Université:  McMaster University
Sujet:  The Soldiers’ Tower: A Symbol of Sacrifice and Scholarship

Rédaction: The Soldiers’ Tower: A Symbol of Sacrifice and Scholarship

To view the other award-winning videos from 2022-23, click ICI and view videos 19-23.

Iqra Jamil

– First Place, 2021-22 –

Hometown:  Calgary, AB
École secondaire:  Calgary Islamic School Akram Jomma
Université:  University of Calgary
Sujet:  The South African War Memorial

Rédaction: The South African War Memorial: An Evolving Identity

Minnie Deng

– Second Place, 2021-22 –

Hometown:  Guelph, ON
École secondaire:  Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute
Université:  University of Alberta
Sujet:  The Memorials of GCVI

Rédaction: The Memorials of Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute

To view the other award-winning videos from 2021-22, click ICI and view videos 13-18.

Katie Roy

– First Place, 2020-21 –

Hometown: Vancouver, C.-B.
École secondaire: Secondaire technique de Vancouver
Université: Université de la Colombie-Britannique
Sujet: Mémorial de guerre canadien-japonais
View Video     |     View Essay

Jonathan Babcock

– Second Place, 2020-21 –

Hometown: Seeley's Bay, ON
École secondaire: Centre d'apprentissage virtuel
Université: À déterminer
Sujet: Monument national des anciens combattants autochtones
View Video     |     View Essay

Pour voir les autres vidéos primées de 2020-21, cliquez surICI.

GE Petit

– First Place, 2019-20 –

Hometown: Barrie, ON
École secondaire: École secondaire Bear Creek
Université: Collège universitaire Huron
Sujet: Cénotaphe de Barrie
View Video     |     View EssayBiblio

Sophie Andia

– Second Place, 2019-20 –

Hometown: Ottawa, Ont.
École secondaire: École Secondaire Colonel By
Université: Université d'Ottawa
Sujet: Mémorial national de guerre
View Video     |     View Essay

Pour voir les autres vidéos primées de 2019-20, cliquez surICI.

Bourse d'histoire et patrimoine de Valor Canada : règles et règlements

Les règles et règlements suivants s'appliquent et sont conformes à l'article 74.06 de la Loi sur la concurrence du Canada, à l'article 206 du Code criminel du Canada et à la Loi sur le droit d'auteur du Canada :

  1. Le concours Bourse d'histoire et patrimoine Valor Canada (VCHHS) est ouvert à tous les citoyens canadiens ou résidents permanents résidant au Canada, à l'exclusion des résidents du Québec, qui sontyounger than 21 years old prior to 11:59 PM (EST), June 30, 2025. This is to accommodate students who take a gap year. There will not be regional allocation of scholarships. No purchase necessary for contest entry.
  2. Eligible persons must not have attended a post-secondary education institution at any time between September 1, 2024, and August 13, 2025.
  3. Les inscriptions au VCHHS doivent être envoyées par courriel à notre Éducateur and must be received by Valour Canada before 11:59 PM (EST), June 11, 2025.
  4. Submitted entries will be evaluated based on the criteria in VCHHS Rubric. Valour Canada (VC) educators will select the best 10-15 submissions which will then be provided to VC’s Education Subcommittee for final assessment to determine a winner, a runner-up, and the 3e through 6e meilleures soumissions.
  5. One VCHHS winner and one runner-up will be chosen and awarded as follows: VCHHS winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship and the runner-up will receive a $500 scholarship. Both will be notified via email before 11:59 PM (EST), August 6, 2025. The creator of each of the 3e through 6e best submissions will have their videos published alongside the winning and runner-up videos. All winners will be notified via email before 11:59 PM (EST), August 27, 2025.
  6. All 6 winning videos will be published on VC’s YouTube page, so that Canadians around the world can access them. VC will reference the creator of each video in the description for each respective video.
  7. The probability of winning the VCHHS scholarship or an award will depend on the number of entries and the quality of the submissions.
  8. A skill testing question must be answered correctly by all winners and all winners will be responsible for any tax incurred by their award. Awards will be mailed to the winners to be received before October 15, 2025.
  9. Winners who do not respond via phone or email within 5 business days of being contacted, who do not answer the skill testing question correctly, who cannot show proof of attendance at a post-secondary education institution on a full-time basis for the upcoming academic year, who cannot show proof of age, or who do not sign our “ELIGIBILITY & LIABILITY/PUBLICITY RELEASE” will be disqualified and the scholarship will be awarded to the next in line as per the criteria outlined above.
  10. The “ELIGIBILITY & LIABILITY/PUBLICITY RELEASE” outlines that each scholarship winner consents to VC’s use of their name, address (town/city and province only), and submitted materials without further compensation. Only the first and second place winners will be required to complete this release.
  11. VC is not responsible for any complications negatively affecting any scholarship contest entries or any other errors or negligence that may arise in connection with this scholarship contest.
  12. VC also retains full rights to the administering of the scholarship contest according to the law and retains the right to terminate the scholarship contest at any time and without notice.