Elsie MacGill : reine des ouragans
World War One caused a profound shift in societal expectations for women. Traditionally, women were restricted to jobs such as servants, teachers, seamstresses, […]
William Lore
Chinese people have faced a long history of intense discrimination, racism, and hatred in Canada. Despite this, Chinese Canadians played a vital role […]
Ernest Glover
Over 26,000 Canadians served during the Korean War. Often called the “Forgotten War,” Korea still represents a vital part of Canadian military history. […]
Frank Wong
Chinese people have faced significant discrimination, prejudice, and racism for much of Canada’s history. The Second World War presented the Chinese community with […]
Sydney Radley-Walters: Tank Ace
The Western Allies’ premier Tank Ace during the Second World War was a Canadian man named Sydney “Rad” Radley-Walters. He was credited with […]
Douglas Aitken
Born September 3, 1920, in Lethbridge, AB, Douglas Aitken moved to Calgary to attended Mount Royal College (now Mount Royal University) for the […]
Force 136
Chinese people have faced a long history of intense discrimination, racism, and hatred in Canada. Many early Chinese immigrants were recruited in the […]
Douglas Jung
« Nous étions prêts à nous coucher pour rien. Rien ne garantissait que le gouvernement canadien nous donnerait le […]
Robert « Bud » Jones
Une réalité souvent négligée des guerres totales à grande échelle, comme la Première et la Seconde Guerre mondiale, est la façon dont la démographie des soldats évolue au cours de […]