Le jardin commémoratif canadien de la guerre de Corée
The Canadian Korean War Memorial Garden honours the bravery and sacrifice of the Canadian soldiers who gave their lives during the Korean War. […]
2RCHA Train Crash
Researched and written by William (Bill) Dziadyk, author of “S.S. Nerissa, the Final Crossing”. Minor edits by Valour Canada. On 19 November […]
Ernest Glover
Over 26,000 Canadians served during the Korean War. Often called the “Forgotten War,” Korea still represents a vital part of Canadian military history. […]
Robin J. Skavberg
Dubbed the “Forgotten War,” the Korean War is often overlooked. Sandwiched between the significantly larger scale World Wars and the hyper politically charged […]
Bataille de Kapyong
24 avril 1951 : Les 700 soldats du Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry sont retranchés au sommet de la colline 677 qui contrôle l'entrée du […]
Le Canada en Corée
Avec une grande partie de l'attention récente des médias sur la Corée du Nord, il est important de revenir sur l'histoire du conflit et […]